Colline Pontine DOP

Itrana in pureness

Sensory profile

Colline Pontine DOP has a medium fruitiness with intense aromaticity expressed by the tomato leaf and distinct herbaceous sensations of rocket and fresh basil. The finish is elegant, with velvety vegetal notes on the palate and a pleasant persistence of the green tomato aftertaste.

Chemical Analysis
Certified by Masaf-authorised inspection body
Acidity 0.15%
No. Peroxides 5.3 meq02/kg
Oleic acid 73.9%
Polyphenols 300 mg/kg

sensory Analysis
Certificata da organismo di controllo autorizzato dal Masaf
Medium fruity 4.3
Tomato 4.6
Bitter 3,6
Spicy 3,9

3 Foglie Gambero  Rosso

Slow Food


Selezione Leone D'oro

Gold Award

Miglior Colline Pontine DOP
